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What Would Be Possible If You Changed Your Relationship with Money?

Stop feeling stuck in your current income situation.

Stop living in your reality of feast or famine.

Stop avoiding your financial situation.

Stop feeling like

you don't deserve wealth.

  • Start having power over money versus it having power over you.

    Start defining yourself instead of money defining you.

    Start working on the root cause for your relationship with money.

    Start being open to receive the wealth and abundance that's yours.

    What would be possible if you shifted into

    Mind-Body Confluence around money?

    Stop allowing money to be a brain game.

    Discover the power of all three body intelligence centers working in partnership.

    Discovering and releasing old stories and blocks bringing the body into balance.

    Discovering your ability to open the door to your wealth and abundance.

    You can experience all of this and more when you join the Mastering Your Money Gremlins Boot Camp!

    This is a comprehensive virtual course that teaches constructive

    strategies for discovering and mastering your money gremlins.

    The boot camp was created with entrepreneurs and solopreneurs in mind;

    however, anyone can utilize the resources and tools in this program to

    transform their relationship with money and their lives.

    This program is not confined to looking at your limiting beliefs. 

    We take a deeper dive in discovering the root cause of those

    beliefs and provide you with the tools to reframe, rewrite, or release them.

    Clear out the garbage that has been standing in your way

    and claim your life of wealth and abundance today!

    I am ready! Put me on the waiting list for the next round!

    Here is what you get when you join Mastering Your Money Gremlins Boot Camp:

    Eleven weekly virtual & interactive sessions

    Lifetime access to the eleven weekly session recordings.

    Mastering Your Money Gremlins Workbook

    Perfect for note taking, exercises, money tracking, and journaling.

    Accountability and support from community mentors

    Get answers to your questions, support, and encouragement.

    Private Facebook bootcamp community

    Connect with like-minded people in the private bootcamp community.

    Game Changing Bonuses to Mastering

    Your Money Gremlins Boot Camp

    Daily Embodiment Ritual Recordings

    Ten weeks of mini daily ritual meditations to help you

    ramp up your Mind-Body Confluence, releasing

    gremlins, and manifesting your wealth and abundance. 

    Weekly Chakra Balancing Recordings

    Starting in week #5 a Chakra Balancing recording

    will be incorporated into the Daily Embodiment Rituals

    to assist in keeping your chakras balanced and clear.

    Are you tired of signing up for programs

    that you get lost in a sea of faces?

    We want you to be successful.

    We want you to claim the wealth and abundance that is already yours.

    We want to create a space of sharing, supporting, and cheering each other on.

    We believe creating close tight knit communities creates more space for growth.

    That is why we have limited the number of bootcamp attendees to 10 members.

    Yes, you read that right - Only 10 members per bootcamp.

    That is how dedicated we are to your success.

    Another added bonus that is priceless!

    I am ready!

    A Look Inside Mastering Your Money Gremlins Boot Camp

    Week #1

    Boot Camp Kick-Off

    Boot Camp Flow

    Money Being Brain Based

    Mind-Body Confluence

    Week #2

    Money Does Not Define Me

    Evolution of Money

    Self-Worth vs. Net Worth

    Where Money Gremlins Come From?

    Week #3

    Your Relationship with Money

    Identify Your Relationship with Money

    Identify Your Gremlins

    Week #4

    Habits, Beliefs, and Gremlins

    More on Money Relationships

    Searching for Anwers

    Week #5

    Money and Your Chakras

    How the State of Your Chakras Can Be Affecting Your Wealth and Abundance

    Week # 6

    Mastering Your Gremlins

    Tools for Mastering Your Gremlins

    Week #7

    Thoughts and Words Have Energy

    Managing Your Mindset

    Core Beliefs and Mindset for Success

    Week #8

    It's Just Business Don't Take It Personal

    When Money Becomes Personal

    What's Devaluing Your Time and Efforts

    Week #9

    Tolerations and Boundaries

    Tolerations and Boundaries

    Increase Pricing & Capacity

    Know & Embody Your Value

    Week #10

    What Do You Want?

    Clarifying Your Intentions and Vision

    Week #11

    Deepening The Experience

    Upper Limit

    Closing Mantras

    I am ready!

    We live in a mind-brain driven society when it comes to money, finances, wealth, and abundance.

    What if ... Joy and abundance could be gained by stepping out of being a slave to money and into Mind-Body Confluence where the mind, body, and spirit becomes the master creator?

    MYMG fuses the power of your mind with the vitality of your body, and spirit creating a powerful force that attracts boundless prosperity.

    Discover how aligning your thoughts, emotions, and physical energy can revolutionize your abundant reality.

    Through a dynamic combination of mindset exercises, energetic, and spiritual practices, you'll cultivate a harmonious connection between your mental and physical realms, propelling you towards unprecedented success.

    Experience the transformative impact of mind-body confluence and witness the floodgates of abundance open wide.

    Embrace the synergy of your mind, body, and spirit today, and manifest the life of joy and abundance you've always desired.

    14 Day Money Back Guarantee

    Let's take a moment and talk about investing in yourself. Let's talk about jumping in and playing full out.

    I know you don't do things halfway. I know you are considering this program because you want a change. 

    I know you are willing and able to work through the uncomfortable to reap the rewards on the other side.

    I know you deserve to be the person you were always meant to be and deserve all the wealth and abundance coming your way.

    This program is an excellent step in realizing everything you have been working for and a profound way to remove the garbage blocking your way on your abundance journey.

    How do I know this? 

    I firmly believe in Divine intervention, and you wouldn't have been invited or enticed to land on this page if it wasn't meant to be.

    I am confident that this boot camp will improve your relationship with money and elevate your life of wealth and abundance.

    However, it is understandable if you still feel uncertain about jumping in.

    Rest assured, I offer a no-risk guarantee that makes this a no-risk investment. I want you to feel empowered, confident, and fabulous about investing in yourself and your future. 

    So, if you try it out and discover it's not for you, you've lost nothing.

    If you decide that the boot camp and the community is not for you, just let me know within 14 days, and I will refund 100% of your investment. 

    No questions asked and nothing but best wishes and blessings.

    Payment Options

    Full Payment $ 555

    2 Payments of $ 319

    3 Payments of $ 218  

    All payments are USD

    Join the Mastering Your Money Gremlins Boot Camp Today!

    Starting 11/28/23

    6:00 PM CST

    Pick Your Plan

    Sign Me Up!

    Sorry you missed the chance to experience this transformational boot camp.

    We aren't going to leave you hanging - there will be more.

    Don't miss out on the next round!

    Get on the waitlist by clicking the button below.

    You will be notified by email when the next round is coming up.

    Next boot camp is February or March of 2024!


    Days Remaining to sign up!





    Still need more incentive to transform your relationship with money?

    How about an added bonus?

    10 Additional Weeks of the Daily Embodiment Ritual Recordings!

    An empowering and motivating gift to keep you moving forward far beyond the end of the boot camp.

    I am ready!

    Still not certain and you have questions.

    Fill out this form with all of your curiosity and wonder.

    We will get be sure to fill in the blanks for you.